Small gift basket
PLEASE NOTE: There is currently a small issue with the add-to-cart function for gift baskets/boxes. Should you be unable to add the basket/pack to the cart, please ensure that all items selected are currently in stock. Unfortunately the website doesn’t delete out of stock items off the drop down lists in gift baskets/boxes. Any issues please reach out to We apologise for any inconvenience and are working to fix this issue.
Mix and match soaps, bath bombs or shower steamers and a lip balm to create a small gift basket. When buying this basket you save 6% compared to buying products individually. There are also several options for add-ons to include in the basket at a discounted price.
Select your product types from the drop down menus. There is also the option to replace the standard palm leaf basket with a reusable wooden bamboo box for an additional fee (as per product image).
We can include a short message with only a few words free of charge. Full size cards or fancy notes with envelopes are available for an additional charge – please select as product add on by ticking the box (leave a message at checkout to specify if it should be a general, birthday or thank you card and the message to the recipient to be included in the card).
Ingredients as listed in the individual product listing. Each product will be labelled to specify the product name and ingredients.
Made in Western Australia from local and imported ingredients. Please note that this is a handmade product, and no two items will be the same. Variations in size, weight and colour will occur, even between items of the same batch. For this reason, please use the image as a reference only.